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  • The Quaranteen Project

Read Katy's Story

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Hi Quaranteens! My name is Katy L., I'm 16 and live in NY. I have three cat children named Buddy, Coco, and Lunar. If I could be any animal, I'd like to be a swallow; they seem so free. I love to participate in the arts, whether it be singing or drawing or writing. I'm always looking to better myself through education, new experiences, and a ridiculous amount of work. There's so much that I missed out on due to quarantine, which I'm sure is why it had such a negative impact on my life. I know everyone lost out on important moments, but it's hard not to fall into an abyss of self-pity. The musical I was in got canceled, my cousin's wedding (involving a trip to California) was postponed, my birthday was without a party, my cantoring "gig" at synagogue was gone, and we couldn't celebrate Passover with anyone. We also had tickets for Dear Evan Hansen the weekend Broadway closed. I miss the motivation school and my daily schedule gave me. I didn't realize how much I needed to participate in a million activities to be productive. Quarantine started out alright for me. I had a skincare routine, went to bed before midnight, and managed to keep my room somewhat neat. As it progressed, however, it quickly became hard to handle. I was never one to go on walks, so I would stay in my house for days on end. I did virtual ballet classes, but it felt hard to keep up, as it did with virtual school, too. I couldn't finish any of my art projects, do my schoolwork, and my procrastination got a lot worse. I think what has kept me sane is busying myself. I've spent hours baking new things, starting a garden in my backyard, and practicing my pointe work. I also golf weekly, which has gotten me out of the house. Sometimes I meet with my friends, which is really helping me balance out my hermit tendencies. Reaching out is always difficult for me, so I'm glad my friends have. If you're struggling during this time, or feeling lonely, reach out to the people you love. When you're alone it's very easy to drown in sorrow and self-pity. If you're socially anxious or depressed, it can be hard to strike up a conversation, but it's so worth it. You're not alone. Also, clean your room.

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